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What is tenosynovial
giant cell tumor (TGCT)?

TGCT is also formerly known as pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) or giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCT-TS)

TGCT is a chronic disease where tumors form in the body's joints causing pain, swelling, and loss of range of motion in the affected joint. TGCT may cause permanent damage to the joint.*

*In a study of patients with diffuse TGCT, 8 out of 45 patients (18%) who did not have osteoarthritis at baseline developed signs of joint damage.


11-50 casesper million people annually

Data point

33 years of agethe median age of diagnosis

A mother and her toddler playing with toys

There are two types of TGCT:

Localized/nodular TGCT is more common and tends to be smaller, well‑defined tumors inside or outside of the joint.

Diffuse TGCT is less common and tends to be larger tumors with ill‑defined boundaries.

High recurrence can potentially create lifelong burdens

up to72%recurrence rate
for diffuse

up to15%recurrence rate for

TGCT can have a major impact on daily living

An elbow experiencing pain

92%of patients
reported pain

A leg experiencing a limited range of motion

85%of patients reported
limited range of motion

In a recent study of people living with TGCT

~55%of patientshad their symptoms come back, even after surgery

This study is from the TGCT Support Registry, the largest registry of TGCT patients. 497 adults were included in the analysis.

A father pushing his daughter on a swing

Treating TGCT: surgery or prescription medicines?

While TGCT is often treated with surgery, surgery isn't right for everyone, and not all tumors can be removed.

A speech bubble and a doctor

Want to learn more about TGCT?

TGCT Support has information, statistics, support, and resources to help you better understand the condition.

Visit TGCT Support

TGCT Support is an independent group that is not affiliated with Deciphera.

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